Curriculum Planning


The college places a high emphasis on the use of Labour Market Intelligene (LMI) as part of the curriculum planning process. We use LMI to inform our curriculum (planning and development) and ensure our provision meets the needs of individuals, employers and the welsh economy. Sinc the start of the 2015/16 academic year, CAVC has embarked on a significant and highly effective journey to ensure LMI is: 

  • Embedded into the curriculum planning process
  • Used by staff to inform provision
  • Responsive to meeting the needs of the regional skills partnership and employers to create opportunities for our learners. 

The use of LMI is central to the first stage of the curriculum planning process and the production of a comprehensive curriculum plan, which is responsive to regional need. The Curriculum and Business Planning process assigns clear responsibility at Dean level to ensure the effective use of LMI and is produced by assigned individuals in the CAVC Business team. The team is responsible for producing a priority sector snapshot report (Welsh Government and Regional priorities), which includes LMI and strategic insight on key developments in the region. In October 2017, the team consolidated this information into a high quality curriculum planning report which contains both quantitative and qualitative information and detailed insight through extensive information extrated from Emsi, future labour forcasting, regional developments and highlights priority areas/recommendations from the regional skills partnership.

Our approach to curriculum planning ensures that CAVC are responding to regional and employer needs and delivering curriculum which meets this need and maximises the opportunities for learners to achieve progression into employment or further learning.

The progression of learners into further learning, Apprenticeships, Higher Education or Employment following this new approach, is excellent. In 2017/18, 89% of learners had a positive destination with 60% of level 3 learners progressing into higher education. 

For more information, please contact us

Skills Survey Report

James Scorey
Director of External Funding and Programme Delivery
029 20 250 350

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