One Day Courses

CAVC for business One Day Course Programme offers a day to immerse yourself in an important topic for all businesses. These courses are run by expert trainers who are specialists in their field and provide you with a useful understanding of that topic, as well as strategies and practical tips to use in your working life.

Courses are run in our training centre in the heart of Cardiff and have a fee of £150.

Building your Strengths Capabilities – Contact us for dates

The key to personal or professional success, is to identify your strengths and focus on improving what you are already good at for personal growth. This training course will help you to discover your unique strengths and use them to discover new ways of thinking and acting.

We will cover:

  • What energises you?
  • How to handle your weaknesses and identify ways to strengthen them
  • How to unlock your greatest potential and be your best self

Equality and Diversity – Contact us for dates

In today’s world we live in a multi-ethnic and diverse society where people from all background and ages form part of our workforce. This course is designed to raise your awareness of the topic and update you in line with current legislation.

We will cover:

  • The Equality Act 2010
  • The implications in the workplace
  • Practical and safe discussions around some of the key protected characteristics.

Knowing your Impact – Contact us for dates

The goal of any leader should be to affect people in a positive way and connect with others to get the best out of your team. This training course will help you to better understand your impact on others, how you are perceived by others and how you can start building effective relationships.


  • Gain a greater understanding of your own behaviours and the impact you have on others
  • Better understand your own behaviour style and how you can adapt this to benefit yourself, your colleagues, and the organisation
  • Be able to create a positive impact and impression on others
  • Exploring how to get the best out of your Development Plan

We will cover:

  • What does personal impact mean?
  • Why personal impact is important within the workplace
  • How to change perceptions and enhance healthy relationships.

Professional Development – Contact us for dates

Are you looking to reach your full potential or gain new skills? Well professional development can provide you with many opportunities and is an important aspect of continuing your personal and career growth. This training course will help you to invest in your own professional development and focus on what you need to do to be more productive

We will cover:

  • Understanding and Developing self
  • Your professional development journey to date
  • Where you are now – your strengths and resources
  • Your goals and aspirations, and how to get there
  • Supporting others and Building relationships

Change & Innovation in the workplace – Contact us for dates

We live in a world of change it is all around us and happens in all workplaces, innovation drives change, therefore we must be able to manage and accept change in our working lives. This course is designed to raise awareness on the importance of change and innovation and provide tools to manage change in the workplace

We will cover:

  • The importance of change and innovation in our world today
  • How and where change comes from
  • The impact of change on people and how to recognise it and manage it
  • Tips and techniques for change management

Minute Taking – Contact us for dates

This session provides an overview of minute taking, expanding beyond the process of taking notes or writing notes.

The session explores the characteristics of meetings and how the agenda can provide structure to facilitate control. A range of skills, including active listening, are explored in order that they can support the process. A varied selection of methods for capturing meeting content, discussions and action points are offered and explored.

Reflective Practice – Contact us for dates

Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on one's actions to engage in a process of continuous learning. - (Donald Schon)

Reflective practice is a very personal thing and different people will use it in different ways. It is important to remember that there is no right wrong way to reflect. However, it can be a helpful tool when reflecting on a situation, applying for jobs, as part of a professional qualification or just as a way of thinking about your role.

This session is designed to help you understand:

  • What reflective practice is and how to engage in this practice
  • The benefits of reflective practice
  • The models which are proven to aid your learning and development
  • How you can incorporate this into your daily work life.


Find out more or book your space today. Email

Start dates available
Locations available
Course name
Start dates available
Locations available
Business Planning L2 Part Time 21 October 2024 City Centre Campus, Cardiff
Chairing a Meeting L2 Part Time 23 January 2025 City Centre Campus, Cardiff
Change & Innovation in the Workplace L2 Part Time 27 February 2025 City Centre Campus, Cardiff
Coaching Conversations L2 Part Time 24 September 2024 City Centre Campus, Cardiff
Essential Management Skills L2 Part Time 15 October 2024 City Centre Campus, Cardiff
Handling Difficult Conversations L2 Part Time 26 September 2024 City Centre Campus, Cardiff